COVID-19 Updates

June 12, 2023

As we prepare for Opening Day at Camps Airy & Louise, we wanted to send a follow-up email with additional information about our COVID-19 plan. As always, making sure campers arrive healthy to camp (no symptoms of illness and no head lice or rashes that have not been checked by their physician) is important to a successful summer. We are highlighting several FAQs so that there is clarity on our plans for the summer as it pertains to COVID-19.

Will Camps Airy & Louise be performing COVID tests on campers and staff this summer?
Only if our Medical Teams deem it medically necessary. The majority of our campers and staff have been vaccinated and have been traveling, living their lives in classrooms, participating in team sports and clubs, and attending large events. If a camper is feeling ill, the camper should see our Health Center. They will be treated appropriately based on their symptoms.

What happens if my camper tests positive for COVID at camp?
If the camper tests positive, the camper will need to be picked up from Camp and remain at home for at least 5 days (day 0 is the day of the positive test or documented symptoms by the Health Center). If a camper continues to be symptomatic after five days at home, then our Medical Team will consult with your family to discuss an appropriate re-entry plan.

Can parents/guardians request a COVID test at camp?
We will not deny any parent from requesting their camper be tested for COVID during the summer. However, please understand that once that test is administered, if a positive test results, then we are required to act and you must be prepared to pick up your camper for their isolation period away from camp.

Our Medical Team will be treating all campers with the same approach: If someone is exhibiting symptoms that require treatment from a hospital or an extended stay away from the bunk, then those symptoms will be approached appropriately and this includes but is not limited to COVID.

We are excited to see all of our campers and staff in just a couple of weeks! Now it’s time to start packing, and get excited!

Camps Airy & Louise

April 26, 2023

Spring Greetings!

It is energizing to be writing to our families in April knowing that Summer 2023 at Camps Airy & Louise is just around the corner.  As everyone is preparing for Opening Day, we wanted to share some important information.

Just to review what was shared on February 6, 2023, we are strongly encouraging that all current campers and staff are vaccinated against COVID-19 but not requiring it for the upcoming Camp season.

After a great deal of thought and conversation, as well as consultation with our Medical Advisory Committee, we have decided that there will be no pre-camp COVID-19 testing required for attendance at camp. In addition, there will be no arrival-day COVID-19 testing at camp, nor will there be any asymptomatic or mildly-symptomatic COVID-19 testing administered by camp staff during any sessions.

We do know that campers can become sick while at camp. A member of the medical team will contact families if a camper is admitted into the Health Center and stays overnight. Additionally, illnesses that last more than 72 hours and prevent participation in camp will be handled individually and parents will be contacted. Per our longstanding protocols, this may include picking your child up from camp depending on severity and longevity.

For Summer 2023, we are again planning to have a “drive thru” style drop-off at a time pre-selected by each family. More details will follow two weeks prior to your arrival about Opening Day procedures. At the end of your camper’s session, we will again follow time slot assignments for pick-up, with families being able to park and walk to campers’ bunks.

We look forward to seeing you all at the camp events taking place between now and the start of camp.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Camps Airy & Louise

February 6, 2023

For Summer 2023, Camps Airy & Louise is not requiring Covid-19 vaccination for campers and staff. The Board of Directors, the Camps Airy & Louise Co-Executive Directors along with the Medical Advisory Committee are strongly encouraging that all current campers and staff are vaccinated against Covid-19 but not requiring it for the upcoming Camp season.

We will send out additional communication later in the Spring with regards to pre-camp Covid-19 testing, in-camp testing policies, and positive cases in Camp. 

We will continue to monitor the ever-changing Covid-19 landscape.

Looking forward to a successful, healthy Summer 2023!

Camps Airy & Louise