Airy Blog, Louise Blog, News
Unit F Overnight Canoe Trip
Jun 12, 2015
Camp Airy & Camp Louise are excited to offer an overnight, co-ed canoe trip for Unit F campers for the second summer.
The Outdoor Departments at each camp will take a group of 12 campers during Session 1 Long and 2 Long to the Potomac River or the Shenandoah river (trip location will be determined later based on current water levels and conditions). The trip will be approximately 8-14 miles in length with camping right along the river. Along with some really tasty meals, campers will be paddling through some incredibly scenic, remote and mountainous areas.
We are thrilled to be offering this again. This is a popular trip (and it’s free!), so space will be limited. Campers will have an opportunity to sign up during the summer.