13909020_1309441325752168_7053504963571842124_oThe farm at Camp Louise was amazing this summer! There is a lot of produce that is ready to harvest! Camp Louise has been fortunate to partner with a local Cascade church to help distribute and donate produce to people in need in the local community. However, in order to make the biggest impact possible we need your help to harvest!


Please use the below form to sign up for the harvest, which will run from 2:00 PM until approximately 3:30 PM on each date listed below. At each harvest day, volunteers will get to enjoy being back at camp for a few hours by harvesting from the farm and helping to bring it to the local Church. Volunteers will also get a harvest volunteer T-shirt and will get to eat some produce from the farm!

The 2016 harvest is now over! A huge thanks to all of our volunteers!

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