Middah of the Week – Leadership


This week’s Middah of the Week was leadership (manhigut). All week, we talked about traits of a good leader and how being a good leader isn’t about getting people to follow you. Almost anyone can get a follower. It is about choosing the right path and then sharing that path with others.

Throughout the week, campers who demonstrated our middah were nominated to help light candles on Shabbat. This week, these 17 campers were chosen for many different reasons:

She told everyone to imagine they were bugs and now her bunkmates care about bugs.

She shares everything with her friends.

She picked up after her bunkmates during an activity in photography

She has unlimited kindness, energy, and positivity.

She is always first to care for and help a friend in need.

She always has a smile on her face.

She is a great example for the other girls in the bunk.

She is always showing people the right thing to do.

She lets people have their turn and she is an all-around good leader!

She is always leading by example.

She helps clean up the table after meals, even when it’s not her things.

She helps others with their jobs during bunk clean up.

She even helped clean her bunkmate’s area because someone was in the Health Center.

She is so polite and caring.

She leads the rest of her bunk to be as polite and as thankful as she is.

She is always so kind.

She tells people to always be nice and she always has a smile on her face.

She encourages others to be as positive and motivated as she is.

She is a stand-out leader.

The other night, the counselor asked the group who needed their water bottle filled.  She jumped up and helped the counselor fill all of the water bottles.

She always steps up.

She leads by example.

She is a great listener.

She always goes back to check the compost and to make sure all of the utensils are separated correctly.

She is always encouraging bunkmates to clean up for inspection.

She helps others in any way she can, including doing extra help for the play.

She is just an all-around great leader and team player!

She helped another CA who was struggling with the canoe part of the overnight. This other CA literally would not have been able to accomplish the 6 miles without this CA’s leadership.

Training counselors said that their CA-CITS have truly been leaders in their little bunk.  They love being with the kids.  They takes on leadership roles without even being asked and they are a huge help around the bunk.  The training counselors feel so lucky to have these CA-CITS with them.

What an impressive list!!!!

As our third week draws to a close, take some time and think about your own style of leadership and how our leadership affects others….

Shabbat Shalom,


Today’s Birthdays

Lindsey – Staff



Today’s Menu
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Today’s Weather

High: 89°F | Low: 68°F – Another hot and sunny day!

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